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Professional Development Workshop

Personal Branding and Marketing Yourself


Whether you are seeking a new position, changing roles within an organization or taking charge of your career planning, identifying and marketing your personal brand is essential for managing and sustaining a successful career. Empower yourself by knowing what you have to offer, what you want and how to ask for it. This half day interactive workshop will provide you with effective tools and resources to enable you to begin the process of defining and marketing your personal brand.

  • How do you add value?

  • Have you defined your personal brand?

  • Can you easily articulate that brand?

  • What ways do you actively work on enhancing your brand?

  • Do you OWN your career?

Learn The 3 Ps Marketing Technique as a Guide to Career Empowerment:

  1. Preparation - conducting your due diligence

  2. Packaging - creating your portfolio

  3. Presentation - delivering your message


  •   WHEN:  September 20, 2017, 8:00 - 11:30 AM

  • WHERE:  Rita B. Allen Associates, 460 Totten Pond Rd, Suite 110, Waltham, MA

  •    COST:  $395 per participant

    (including copy of 'Personal Branding and Marketing Yourself' book)


Click here to register by email.

Please Register by September 14, 2017 - Limited Seating Available


About Rita

Rita B. Allen

Rita Balian Allen is the President of Rita B. Allen Associates, a national career management firm specializing in executive coaching, leadership development, management training and career development. She is a lecturer at Boston-area universities, a sought-after speaker and presenter, the author of numerous articles, blogs and the book, "Personal Branding and Marketing Yourself: The Three Ps Marketing Technique as a Guide to Career Empowerment". She is a regular Huffington Post blogger and writes a career management column for Leadership & Management Books. Rita was voted one of the top ten executive coaches by the Boston Women's Business Journal and has worked with leaders across all industries and professions.


Follow Rita on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram to find talent/career management resources, tools and strategies.

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© 2017 Rita B. Allen Associates | All rights reserved
460 Totten Pond Rd, Ste 110 | Waltham, MA 02451 | 781-890-6803
rita@ritaballenassociates.com | www.ritaballenassociates.com
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